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Empowering Physics Scholars: Collaborative LaTeX Workshop

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) outlines a workshop that was conducted by the Postgraduate (PG) department of Physics at Assabah Arts and Science College in Valayamkulam, in collaboration with Asnar Women's College in Perimpilavu. The workshop took place on Wednesday, 11th October 2023, and focused on the topic of LaTeX programming. The workshop was led by Mr. Basim M. B., the Head of the PG department of Physics at PSMO College in Thirurangadi. LaTeX programming is a typesetting system commonly used for scholarly and technical documents in various fields, including physics. It allows for the creation of high-quality documents with advanced mathematical equations and symbols. The objective of this workshop, as specified in the MoU, was to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of LaTeX programming and its applications in the field of physics. The workshop aimed to enhance the participants' knowledge and skills in creating professional documents, research papers, and thesis papers using LaTeX. Through this collaborative effort between Assabah Arts and Science College and Asnar Women's College, the workshop aimed to foster academic and scientific growth among the participants. It provided a platform for networking and knowledge sharing in the field of LaTeX programming, specifically tailored for physics-related applications. The MoU serves as a formal agreement that documents the mutual understanding, responsibilities, and commitments between the participating institutions. It outlines the workshop's schedule, resource requirements, and any financial or logistical arrangements. Overall, this MoU reflects the cooperative efforts between the two colleges and the dedicated leadership of Mr. Basim M. B. as a key figure in organizing and delivering the workshop on LaTeX programming, enriching the participants' understanding and proficiency in this valuable tool for scientific documentation.


As a dream became success, Assabah Arts and Science college is the embodiment of growth of higher education. We owing our abilities for students to enable a high quality education in all fields. For a quality based education we offers Post graduate courses in Physics, Chemistry, English and Commerce. Also graduate courses in English, Commerce and science. Our mission and vision also explicates the very existence of this college. By which the younger generation can achieve their life goals through our enrichment of education.