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Suicide Prevention Day Awareness Program: "Creating Hope Through Action"

The NSS 240 Unit of Assabah Arts and Science College, Valayamkulam, deserves commendation for organizing the Suicide Prevention Day Awareness Program titled "Creating Hope Through Action." Led by the Psychology Department faculty member Muhammad Ajmal.RS, the event aimed to highlight the significance of mental health, increase understanding about suicide prevention, and encourage actions that foster emotional well-being. Held on September 11, 2023, at the college conference hall, this program served as a vital platform for addressing critical issues surrounding mental health.

Initiatives like "Creating Hope Through Action" play a pivotal role in fostering a society that prioritizes mental health, extends support for emotional well-being, and serves as a source of encouragement for individuals grappling with suicidal ideation. By raising awareness, providing education, and promoting empathy, such programs contribute significantly to the prevention of suicide and the enhancement of mental wellness.

The commitment demonstrated by Assabah Arts and Science College in organizing this event underscores the institution's dedication to holistic student welfare and societal well-being. It is through collaborative efforts and compassionate initiatives like these that we can strive towards building a community that values mental health and offers hope to those in need.


As a dream became success, Assabah Arts and Science college is the embodiment of growth of higher education. We owing our abilities for students to enable a high quality education in all fields. For a quality based education we offers Post graduate courses in Physics, Chemistry, English and Commerce. Also graduate courses in English, Commerce and science. Our mission and vision also explicates the very existence of this college. By which the younger generation can achieve their life goals through our enrichment of education.