Best practice-ii


  • Address the identified needs of the local community through collaborative engagement and educational initiatives.
  • Foster a culture of community service and social responsibility among students.
  • Enhance the well-being and quality of life of community members through targeted interventions.
  • Provide students with practical learning experiences that contribute to their personal and professional development.

The underlying principles of the UNARVU  include community empowerment, student leadership, interdisciplinary collaboration, and experiential learning.


UNARVU was designed to address the diverse needs of the local community while simultaneously providing valuable learning experiences for students at Assabah Arts and Science College. The initiative arose from a recognition of several challenges: the need for career guidance among local students, the importance of promoting technical skills such as LED maintenance, addressing environmental concerns through water quality testing, and preserving local heritage through documentary filmmaking. Additionally, there was an identified gap in mental health support for students, staff, and the broader community. These challenges were addressed through a series of interdisciplinary activities and programs, each tailored to meet specific community needs and provide hands-on learning opportunities for students. The collaboration between various departments and the active involvement of students were crucial in designing and implementing these initiatives.


UNARVU is a comprehensive community engagement program that integrates academic learning with community service to address local needs. The initiative includes the following key activities:

  • Inspire Career Guidance Program: Conducted in 2023 and 2024 for students from Alamcode panchayat, this program featured sessions led by career experts, including Riyas Rumi and Abdul Latheef CM, and presentations by college faculty on subject-specific career opportunities. The program aimed to guide students in making informed career choices.
  • LED Maintenance Workshops: Held on December 10, 2019, and December 21, 2023, these workshops were organized by the ED Club, Departments of Physics, and the Energy Conservation Cell. Students were trained in assembling and repairing LED bulbs, with a focus on sustainability and energy conservation. The workshops provided students with technical skills while addressing community needs for energy-efficient lighting solutions.
  • Water Quality Analysis: In response to concerns raised by the panchayat authority, interdisciplinary teams from the Departments of Chemistry, Food Technology, and Geology conducted a water quality analysis of samples from 15 households. The analysis assessed parameters such as iron content, chlorine levels, and water hardness, with results compiled into a report shared with both the households and local authorities to help improve local water quality.
  • Documentary Film Production - "ARANGIL ALAMCODE": Directed by Shaheem Kochanoor (Assistant professor of English, coordinator of film club) this documentary explores the history and cultural significance of Alamcode, preserving local heritage and fostering community pride. The project involved collaboration between the Film Club and local authorities. The data needed for documentary were collected through data collection surveys and drives were lead by students of assabah college

UNARVU Community Counseling Center: Established in December 2023 under the Department of Psychology, this center provides professional mental health services to students, faculty, staff, and local residents. It offers individual and group counseling, crisis intervention, and workshops, and is supported by a full-time consultant psychologist. The center operates on Mondays and Fridays for the community and on other weekdays for the college community, addressing mental health needs and promoting holistic well-being.


The success of UNARVU is evidenced by several key indicators:

  • High Participation Rates: The initiatives saw significant participation from students, faculty, and community members, reflecting strong engagement and interest in the program's activities.
  • Positive Feedback: Community members and stakeholders provided positive feedback on the initiatives, particularly the career guidance program and the mental health services offered by the counseling center.
  • Improvements in Community Well-being: The program's targeted interventions, such as water quality analysis and mental health support, have contributed to measurable improvements in community well-being. For instance, the water quality testing results informed local authorities' efforts to address environmental concerns, and the counseling center has begun to address mental health needs effectively.

These outcomes indicate that UNARVU has successfully met its objectives, enhancing both the community's well-being and the students' learning experiences.


UNARVU faced several challenges during implementation:

  • Extensive Planning: Coordinating interdisciplinary activities and aligning them with community needs required detailed planning and collaboration between various departments and external stakeholders.
  • Resource Constraints: Financial and material resources were limited, necessitating careful budgeting and the need to secure additional funding and support from local organizations.
  • Sustained Student Engagement: Maintaining consistent student involvement in the initiatives was challenging, particularly over extended periods. Structured training programs and incentives were required to keep students motivated and engaged.

To overcome these challenges, the initiative relied on strong partnerships with local organizations, effective resource management, and continuous support from the college administration.


For other institutions looking to implement similar initiatives, it is essential to build strong interdisciplinary teams and establish clear communication channels with community stakeholders. Leveraging the expertise of various academic departments can enhance the quality and impact of the initiatives. Additionally, securing long-term funding and developing sustainable engagement strategies for students are crucial for the success of such programs. UNARVU demonstrates the potential for academic institutions to play a significant role in community development, making it a model that can be adapted and implemented in various contexts.