Celebrating Science: Assabah Arts and Science College's Science Expo

Celebrating Science: Assabah Arts and Science College's Science Expo

On February 28, 2023, Assabah Arts and Science College celebrated National Science Day with a Science Expo held in the college auditorium. The formal inauguration was led by Muhammed Unni Haji, the general secretary of Assabah Arts and Science College Valayamkulam, at 10:00 am. Each department of the college actively participated in the expo, including the Physics department, which showcased an array of engaging stalls featuring static models, working models, and experiments, accompanied by detailed explanations. Additionally, the department adorned the expo with numerous chart papers displaying physics knowledge, enriched with attractive visuals. This Science Expo served as a platform for students and faculty to showcase their scientific prowess and share their enthusiasm for the subject with the wider college community.