The pg departments of physics, chemistry, geology, and the science club, in association with the internal quality assurance cell (iqac), organized an informative and engaging webinar on the topic, "Why life only on earth - importance of the ozone layer."
The webinar commenced with a welcome address by dr. Jayaraj k, the head of the department of chemistry, who emphasized the importance of understanding the factors that make earth habitable, particularly the critical role of the ozone layer. He welcomed the participants, resource persons, and distinguished guests.
The webinar was inaugurated by the respected principal, m.N. Mohamed koya, who appreciated the initiative taken by the organizing departments and iqac for facilitating such a relevant and insightful topic. In his inaugural speech, he highlighted how interdisciplinary studies play a significant role in understanding the complexities of life on earth and the environmental challenges we face today.
The session was led by the resource person, mr. Benoy v varghese, a geography teacher from government higher secondary school, peruva, kottayam. His presentation centered around the topic "Why life only on earth - importance of the ozone layer." mr. Benoy v varghese provided a detailed exploration of the unique conditions that make earth the only known planet to support life. He explained how the ozone layer acts as a protective shield by absorbing harmful ultraviolet (uv) radiation from the sun, thus playing a pivotal role in preserving life on earth.

He discussed the following key points:

  •  the formation and composition of the ozone layer
  •  the function of the ozone layer in blocking uv rays
  •  the impacts of ozone depletion and the dangers posed by increased uv radiation
  •  human activities that have contributed to ozone depletion
  •  global efforts, such as the montreal protocol, to protect the ozone layer

Mr. Benoy v varghese emphasized the necessity of protecting the ozone layer and discussed the current status of global environmental initiatives. His session was highly engaging, sparking curiosity among the participants.
The webinar saw active participation from students of the physics, chemistry, and geology departments, as well as members of the science club. The students posed several questions regarding the ozone layer, the potential for life on other planets, and the future of earth's environment. Mr. Benoy v varghese addressed each query, providing clear explanations and encouraging further thought on the topic. The interactive segment was particularly enlightening, as students delved deeper into the implications of ozone depletion on various ecosystems and human health.
The session concluded with a vote of thanks by mr. Ranjuraj k, the head of the department of physics, who expressed his gratitude to mr. Benoy v varghese for his enlightening talk, the principal for his continuous support, and the organizing departments for their collaborative efforts. He also thanked the students for their active participation, which contributed to the success of the event.
The webinar was a resounding success, as it shed light on the vital role of the ozone layer in sustaining life on earth and emphasized the importance of environmental conservation. The interaction between the students and the resource person fostered a deeper understanding of the topic and inspired participants to think critically about global environmental issues.
The event was a productive learning experience, with participants leaving the webinar more aware of the critical environmental challenges faced by our planet and the essential role they can play in addressing them.