Parents teachers association


The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) of the college provides remarkable support to the activities of the institution. The PTA assists the overall development of students by extending financial and other supports to the curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities of students. Aims and Objectives To work for the welfare of the students and the institution and to offer constructive suggestions for the smooth and successful functioning of the college. To promote better participation of the parents in the various programs of the college and to establish better liaison with teachers. To set up facilities in the college premises for the benefit of the students as and when required. To institute scholarships, prizes, medals etc. to benefit students showing high proficiency in their studies and extracurricular activities. Every year, the PTA elects an executive committee to put into practice its plan of action. During the report period,  Principal as the president of the committee. One of the faculty members is acting as the secretary, where as one of the parent is elected as the vice president.


PTA Vice Precident :- ASLAM

PTA Secretrary :- PRAVEEN K U (HOD of Malayalam)